
Showing posts from September, 2018

Resisting Ice and The Deportation Crisis Conference (blog post 5)

FNED 547 Introduction to Classroom Research Conference Title: Resisting Ice and The Deportation Crisis Rhode Island College (Gaige Hall 200)  Today I attended a conference hosted By the RIC Community. Today’s lead by Alliance to Mobilize Our Resistance (Amor) and The South East Asian freedom Network (Seafn) . The conversation lead by representatives of these three community organizations was to help people be aware of what is going on currently in many communities around the Country as well as in the State of Rhode Island.  Just like the title of the discussion says there is a deportation crisis going in the US and the community must unite resist ICE and deportation. The presenters spoke about this crisis that is affecting people in many of our communities. The presenters spoke about their organizations, how they came into existence and what they are working together to support the immigrant community resist ICE and resist deportation. A basic premise of our commo
Possible Research Questions for The Teacher Research Paper I .) How can an educator find ways to encouraged student collaborating right away in a blended class so they can develop relationships and learn Spanish in the best way possible? A)- How can an educator engaged Heritage Learners to fully engaged in Learning, Practicing and speaking Spanish effectively in this digital era? B)- How will Blended Learning implementation in the Classroom help teaching and learning in this changing digital era? II.) How do I plan a lesson Using Summit to allow students to build their language skills, expand their vocabulary, and make progress toward the Final Products? A)- How would an educator strive to provide students with opportunities to practice their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills whenever possible as students utilize Summit learning? B)- How will the implementation of Summit Learning inspire the joy of learning in my Spanish Classroom? III.) How can a teacher teac

Blog Post # 4

September 20, 2018 Memo Blog Post # 4 Allowing Our Wounds to Breathe Emotions and Critical Pedagogy (Chapter 3) This week’s reading chapters focuses on making sense of the role emotions play in critical pedagogy and also on the transformation that teachers and students experience relationship that goes above and beyond the classroom setting.  Stephanie Jone’s chapter 3 explains how a 3rd grade student name Brooke was able to share a moment of mutual respect and understanding with her teacher. Brooke was able to articulate the truth about life and what living as a child felt like outside of school. As I read page 37, I immediately noticed that the student was deeply searching for a healthy, open teacher and student relationship. According to Jones, the teacher felt that “at this pedagogical moment I found myself vulnerable, open minded, standing at the age of new possibilities with this child” (Jones page 37).  The teacher was so focused on her teaching business and b

Memo Blog Post # 3

September 15, 2018 Memo Blog Post # 3 “You just got to keep on trying” Making Waves by Recognizing and Responding to Small Moments Written by Stephanie Jones (Chapter 2)  The story display on chapter two tell a story of a young boy name Mack. Mack is a kindergarten student whose connection with his teacher and teacher’s aide seemed to far away. “The gap between us seems difficult to navigate” stated the teacher (Jones page 15). I immediately became curious to find out how his teacher was going to bring Mack back to join them. The teacher tried hard to connect with the student. We all can relate to this situation since we all have one of few Mack’s in our classrooms. Mack’s story also reminded my own story as a newcomer 28 years ago. I came to a new country and I brought my rich cultural background, which I thought would be on my side until I got immersed into the new culture. Just like Mack, I felt distant, lost, not connected since I was being thrown into a place where I d
September 8th, 2018 Using Discourse Analysis to Improve Classroom Interaction Chapters 1-5 Written by Rex and Schiller For must of educators and as Rex and Schiller would state, “teachers tell us that in a perfect school world, students would be engaged learners who respect one another, extend themselves to learn, do their homework and score high on assignments” (Rex and Schiller page 3). This line got my attention right away as I think about students in my classes and about how student success is different for different students, regardless of how hard they work to achieve it. In the real world we have students who are successful and students who struggle to succeed. These students in must cases work hard, but still fall short and do not meet the academic expectations. I also believe that teacher’s assumptions on student’s background information can also influence interpretation of dialogue. One of the most important goals – and greate
The Power of Questions (Chapters 1 and 2) Memo Blog Post # 1 This will be my first memo blog of this course. I read Chapters one and two from The Power of Questions Textbook, written by Beverly Falk and Megan Blumenreich. The following summary will express my opinion(s) about the importance of teacher research and how it helps educators identify and utilize the appropriate teaching and learning methods to help students succeed.  Chapter 1 After reading this chapter, I immediately felt connected to both authors, since I truly believe that inquiry(es) are vital means to powerful to teaching and learning. I also know that to be an effective educators we must make research part of our profession, as it is a vital piece to teaching and learning. As responsible and caring educators we must keep in mind that teaching opens the door to endless possibilities to our students.  I connected with the authors when they stated that “One of the great things about teaching is that it offer