
One more Blog Post (Field Notes)

Wednesday November 19th, 2018 Field Notes Period 3A 9:05 -10:05 A.M. Spanish I and II class (8th grade class). Last week I did not get to see my project study group students since they were out on Wednesday November 14th, and Friday November 16th, Today will be the last field notes taken for this class. Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving so I will not get to see my 8th study group until next week. Finally my study group and I had a full class period after many missing days due to High School Presentations, Holidays, election day, and absenteeism. I still have one more student interview to  conduct. I will try on Monday November 26 again. Hopefully student IR will come back to school. Today my students came into class. They were all excited and happy because we have a 3-day week this week. Students like when we get days off. Today my class was very small because we had our second beginning of the quarter assembly. So, I had a class of 3 students. My Spanish 2 students

Jones Chapter 7 & 8 (Memo Post #12)

From Pledging Allegiance to your Flag to Sharing Beignets Call and Response as Critical Pedagogy Stephanie Jones  Chapter 7 This week’s reading shows teachers how to recognize verbal and nonverbal responses from students; which gives educators a clear view on how students become engaged in their learning journey. The chapter focuses on the honest and compelling stories found on this chapter focus on connecting with one student as it uncovers valuable insights for becoming more responsive to all students.The chapter introduces the Oral Inquiry Process and examines its role in fostering critical awareness among teachers. Angela Dean and Dawan Coombs Angela’s classroom observer and their collaboration inquiry experience. Both The English Teacher and the classroom observer wanted to investigate the reason why there was a complex interaction between Angela and one of her student (Antoine). They both wanted to find the best strategy to support Antoine regarding communicating wi

Blog post # 11 (Field Notes) part 3

Memo Blog # 11 (Field Notes part 4) Memo blog post for November 13th, 2018 This week we had more high school presentations. The assemblies are done during second period because we have a lot of students, who come late to school. This is a big issue we are struggling with throughout the District and schools Principals are getting together with teachers and staff to find ways to tackle this. We are speaking with families, making home visits as well as sending out messages, robocall to try to minimize the tardiness issue. Our school does the 8th assemblies take place during second period precisely because of students being late during first period. Also because our school is the only Middle School in the District that serves students grades 5th-8th. Our 5th grade group does not go up to their classroom until 8:20 A.m. This week was Midterms elections week, so we have a 4-day school week and again we have another assembly Today during period 2. I was able to see my students in t

Memo post # 10 Field Notes (Part 3)

Field Notes (part 3) 100-Word Strategy Memo Post For this week’s post I decided to use Wendy Luttrell Reflexive Writing strategy. I tried the 100 Word strategy to explain why the chosen topic is important to me as an individual, and as an educator. (I tried). Version one: Why does this topic matters to me? My responsibility as a Spanish Teacher is to not only introduce non-Spanish speaking students to learning a new language, but also to show them the relationship that exist between language and culture.  This topic is important to me because I want to engage my heritage learners in meaningful learning as I see notice lost of interest in learning more about the language they already speak. Providing the appropriate support to help them succeed academically is vital. My goal moving forward is to encourage and empower all students to enhance their knowledge of the home language and culture. Version two: Why does this matter to the participants in my study? As a nati

Memo Blog # 9 Field Notes (Part 2)

Memo Blog # 9 Field notes (part 2) F or the past two years I have been searching for ways to encouraged and engaged in becoming more curious learners. My goal was to find fascinating topic(s) for getting them into deep conversation even if it was in English. Sadly I discovered that today's modern students are not interested in many of the curriculum topics are often irrelevant to students’ interests, learning preferences and current trends in the world. I am desperately trying to turn this around we can turn this around while targeting and exercising all their essential language skills.  Since we started the school year, this past week was the first time I was able to see my 8th grade class. For the past two years my school adopted and have been using a semesterised approach. Many of the high schools in the District already use this system and due to this fact, many classes were affected by this change.   We also have adopted an A day and a B day approach and because

Memo Blog Post # 8(A) Falk and Blumenreich Chapter 7

Memo Blog # 8 (A) Making Sense of Your Learnings Analyzing Data by Falk and Blumenreich Chapter 7 The chapter begins by describing data analysis as being an ongoing process which starts immediately after data collection begins. Being able to collect data, reflect on the evidence that was collected collected immediately should be a priority for a person who is conducting classroom research. Both authors recommend to collect data and organize it right away so that it does not become a pile of evidence. Falk and Blumenreich states “Only through this ongoing regular review-also referred as formative analysis- will you avoid becoming overwhelmed by the data you are collecting” (Falk and Blumenreich page 115). So, it is imperative to collect data, analyze and cleaning it so that the data, evidence piling up of it does not become an impossible task for the researcher. Keeping an eye of the timeline is also important when gathering, organizing and selecting the correct data for your s

Memo Blog Post # 7 (Field Notes)

O ctober 14, 2018 Memo Blog # 7   Field Notes Part of our final project will be completed with the field notes we have been taking for the past days. I have been taking descriptive notes, but I still think I am not focusing enough on my research question(s). Last week was a bad week for me because the class I did not see the class I choose for this project. Monday we had no school, Wednesday the 8th grade students took the PSAT and Friday they attended a high school presentation. I was not able to take enough field notes. Hopefully this week I will be able to take consistent and valid notes so that I can get enough data for to begin organizing my data to work on my classroom research.  As stated in my research proposal, I will be utilizing different sources which will yield enough and consistent data. For my project I chosen 4 Heritage Learners. I choose these students because I believe will become a valuable data resource as I focus on answering my main and sub que